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Series belonging to the Flavor Collection, available in 6 different models and with a natural smooth finishing. A lime scent will accompany you for the first smokes. A box with a dedicated design enriches the product.

Pipe Savinelli Collection Lime 673 KS, natural smooth finishing, shape half bent rhodesian, lime yellow methacrylate mouthpiece 9mm with two green slim rings reminiscent of the lime leaf. New, never smoked. In original designed box dedicated to the collection.

Misure (Measures) in mm

Lunghezza (Lenght) 135 mm
Altezza testa (Bowl height)38 mm
Diametro esterno Min-Max (external bowl diameter Min-Max) 30-42 mm
Diametro fornello (Chamber diameter)
20 mm
Profondità fornello (Chamber depth) 33 mm
Peso (Weight)45g

Caratteristiche (Details)

Marchiature (Stampings)Savinelli LIME 673 KS ITALY
Stato (Condition)Nuova (New)
Bocchino (Mouthpiece - Stem)Metacrilato (Methacrylate)
Filtro (Filter)9mm

If you require any further information, please feel free to contact us by email info@tabaccheriaguzzi.it.